Komodo Dragons

Until 1912, the western world thought the heaviest lizards in the world, the Komodo Dragon, was a mythological creature. Since then they've earned a reputation as a fearsome predator living on the secluded island of Komodo in Indonesia.

Komodo Dragon
Komodo dragon sleeps on hot ground in Indonesia

Komodo dragon sleeps on hot ground in Indonesia


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Squamata
Family: Varanidae
Species: Varanus komodoensis


The Komodo dragon was considered a mythological creature by the western world right, up until 1912. In 1910, after hearing about these "land crocodiles", Lieutenant van Steyn van Hensbroek of the Dutch colonial administration in Indonesia, went in search of the Komodo. He sent the skin of a 2.1 metre specimen, along with photographs, to Bogar Zoo in Java. This proved the Komodo dragon to be the largest living lizard, with the largest verified specimen reaching a length of over three metres and weighing 166 kg.

Indonesia is the only place in the world to see Komodos in their natural habitat. The Komodo National Park, located in the centre of the Indonesian Archipelago was set up to conserve the species. They face an uncertain future due to habitat loss.

Komodo dragon and the forked tongue

Komodo dragon and the forked tongue


Although the Komodo can run briefly at speeds up to 13 mph, its hunting strategy is based on stealth, power and a secret weapon; Komodo dragons are venomous! This helps it to be the only lizard species to hunt and kill prey larger than itself.

Komodo dragons kill large prey by rushing from ambush along game trails, biting at legs and tendons, maiming the animal and then trailing the injured animal until the venom or septicaemia sets in and kills it.

Attenborough on Komodos

Efficient eaters, Komodo dragons leave only 10 per cent of their prey untouched - they can eat bones and even hooves of their prey! Hunting chickens, water buffalo, their own young, or sometimes even humans, they aren't picky when it comes their food. After feasting, the Komodo dragon settles down in a nice sunny spot, utilising the heat of the Sun to aid digestion. Once it has finished digesting it regurgitates a pile of indigestible horn, hair and teeth, known as a gastric pellet.


Virgin Birth

In May 2006 a Komodo dragon called Flora living at Chester Zoo produced five hatchings despite never having had contact with a male dragon. This news followed a similar case where a female named Sungai gave birth to four offspring having not been in contact with a male for over two years. This phenomena is called parthenogenesis (from the Greek "parthenos" meaning virgin and "genesis" meaning birth). Parthenogenesis occurs naturally in some species, although this was a first for the Komodo dragon.

Quick Facts

  • Largest was over 3m long and weighed 166 kg.
  • Can run up to 13 mph.
  • Komodos sometimes eat their own young.
  • To avoid being eaten by the adults, baby Komodos hide up in trees.
  • During the mating period males fight, grappling with each other on their hind legs.
  • Komodos may be monogamous and form 'pair bonds', a rare behaviour for lizards.