Eden on Social Media

Follow Eden's online social media profiles and join in the wildlife and science conversation! You can get the latest news, view some superb images and videos, enter exclusive competitions and get in touch with the team behind the channel.

Eden on Social Media


Like the Eden Facebook Page for daily shots of astonishment! With fantastic photography and programme news join our community to discuss everything Eden. We also hold exclusive competitions on our Facebook page!

Where can I find Eden?


Follow us on Twitter for great wildlife and science facts and up-to-date news. We also share all our news on Twitter and offer programme information. We like to think of it as our central social hub!


Are you an early adopter when it comes to social media? Google+ may have been around a while now, but it's still taking baby steps in terms of Facebook and Twitter. Add Eden to one of your Google+ Circles and receive all of our updates to your news feed!


You can watch some great behind the scenes footage, clips and trailers of some of our wildlife and science documentaries on our YouTube Channel. Just subscribe to us and share our videos with your friends!


Are you on this emerging microblogging website? Follow us for some great images, videos and GIFs, or just visit our Tumblr Page to dip your toes in the water! Warning: it's full of cat GIFs.


How can we claim to have great images without being on Pinterest? It's a must for viewing fantastic pictures and we think we fit right in when it comes to that.