Nigel Marven Profile

Nigel Marven was born in the United Kingdom on 27th November, 1960. He is a renowned natural history television presenter, producer and author.

Nigel Marven


Before venturing into a career in natural history media, Nigel studied botany, the biology of plants, at Bristol University.

Wild Colombia Clip


After graduating, his career took him to the BBC Natural History Unit in Bristol, where he progressed internally before going on to produce a range of documentaries.

On moving to ITV in 1998 he was asked to venture in front of the camera to present the documentaries he was producing. This proved a success and he has now become a regular on-screen talent.

Nigel is known for his spontaneous and risky style of presentation, similar to that of the late Steve Irwin, and is often seen diving head first into dangerous situations.

In 2003 Nigel fronted a series of prehistoric documentaries for the BBC such as the Walking with Dinosaurs episodes Chased by Dinosaurs: The Giant Claw & Land Of Giants, and Sea Monsters, followed by Prehistoric Park on ITV.

In 2012, Nigel ventured to the wilds of China to present Yunnan Adventure and Hainian Adventure and then on to Colombia to front the documentary series Wild Colombia.

More recently, Nigel ventured out into the open ocean to tackle grey whales in Whale Adventure.