About Your Inner Fish

The series is based on the best-selling book by leading paleontologist Dr Neil Shubin, and takes us on a cutting-edge, scientific adventure, revealing a startling truth: hidden within the human body is a history of life on Earth.

Your Inner Fish

How did the human body become the complicated, quirky machine it is today? The answers can be traced back hundreds of millions of years. This brand new and exclusive three-part series explores the science of how and why we are the way we are.

Neil Shubin with Gorgonopsid fossil

Neil Shubin with Gorgonopsid fossil

The series is based on the best-selling book by leading palaeontologist Dr Neil Shubin, and takes us on a cutting-edge, scientific adventure, revealing a startling truth: hidden within the human body is a history of life on Earth.

The human body carries the legacy of animals that lived millions of years ago, and from whom we inherited our most remarkable features, as well as some of our strangest quirks. Each hour of Your Inner Fish assembles evidence from comparative anatomy, fossils, genetics and embryology to solve the mystery of why we’re built the way we are.